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Part IV Chapter 20


Hero image of Web Almanac characters driving vehicles in various lanes carrying script and images


HTTP remains the cornerstone of the web ecosystem, providing the foundation for exchanging data and enabling various types of internet services. It is an actively developed protocol, with the latest version HTTP/3 being standardized a little over two years ago, and new options to enable it being introduced recently, such as the new DNS HTTPS records. At the same time, the Web platform has been exposing more and more higher-level features that Web developers can use to influence when and how resources are requested and downloaded over HTTP. This includes options like Resource Hints (for example preload and preconnect), 103 Early Hints and the Fetch Priority API.

In this chapter, we will first look at the current state of HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 adoption, and how their usage has evolved over time. We then consider the new Web platform features, to get an idea of how well they’re supported and how people are using them in practice.

HTTP version adoption

Conceptually, getting an idea of how widespread the adoption of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 is should be easy: just report how often each of the protocol versions was used to load the observed websites’ home pages. This is exactly what we’ve done in the graph below:

Figure 20.1. Adoption of HTTP versions as a percentage of website home pages.

While these results might look sensible at first glance, they are actually quite misleading. Indeed, as we’ll see later, in reality HTTP/3 support across the Web is closer to 30% instead of the 7-9% reported above. This discrepancy is due to the fact that HTTP/3 has to be discovered before being used, while the methodology used for the Web Almanac doesn’t really lend itself well to the main discovery option (alt-svc). This causes a lot of HTTP/3-capable sites still being loaded over HTTP/2 and thus HTTP/3 is getting underreported. We will discuss this in more detail below, but for now we will group HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 together into a single label of HTTP/2+ to at least compare them to HTTP/1.1.

As such, we see that only 21-22% of home pages are loaded over HTTP/1.1 in 2024, a marked difference from 2022 where it was still 34% and especially 2020 where there was basically a 50/50 split between HTTP/1.1 and H2+.

Now, this is just looking at how the main document (the HTML) of the page is loaded. Another way of looking at HTTP adoption is by looking at the version used for all requests (including subresources and third-parties), which skews the results even more towards HTTP/2+:

Figure 20.2. Adoption of HTTP/2 and above as a percentage of requests.

This is because many websites will load additional resources from a variety of third-party domains (for example analytics, plugins/tags, social media integrations, etc.). Due to their scale, these external services often either provide support for HTTP/2+ themselves or make use of a so-called CDN or Content Delivery Network (for example Akamai, Cloudflare or Fastly) that does it for them. In fact, CDNs are used very heavily on the observed websites, with a whopping 54% of over 1.3 billion requests in our dataset being served from a CDN!

Figure 20.3. The percentage of over 1.3 billion requests in the Web Almanac dataset that use a CDN.

These companies are typically at the forefront of implementing new standards and protocols. When they enable a new feature, it becomes available to all their customers, usually causing a fast increase in global adoption. As such, we can see that CDNs are still one of the main drivers of HTTP/2+ adoption, with less than 4% of all CDN requests happening over HTTP/1.1. This is again in stark contrast to requests not served from a CDN node, of which up to 29% still use HTTP/1.1.

Almost all traffic from CDNs is delivered over HTTP/2+.
Figure 20.4. Almost all traffic from CDNs is delivered over HTTP/2+.

Combined, these results show that while overall adoption of newer HTTP versions is higher than ever, there are still plenty of sites that are in danger of “being left behind”. These are mostly the (likely smaller) projects that can’t or won’t engage a CDN, but also don’t have the technical know-how or motivation to enable HTTP/2+ themselves at their origins. Conceptually, this makes sense, as the newer versions do have some costs associated with them, both in terms of complexity and, especially for HTTP/3, in terms of CPU usage. And while HTTP/1.1 of course still functions perfectly fine, there might be some performance/efficiency downsides, as only HTTP/2+ allows multiplexing of multiple resources onto one connection, as well as additional features like resource prioritization and header compression.

Still, personally I feel it’s good to have freedom of choice on the web, not just in terms of content, but also the tech stacks that are used, and that includes the protocol. Similarly, the current (over)reliance on CDNs (for performance and security) also has its own downsides, with some people fearing a “centralization” of the Web around a few large companies. I don’t think we’re quite there yet, but I have written previously about the worrying fact that it is increasingly only the CDNs/large companies that have the technical know-how to deploy the newer protocols at scale. I don’t know the right answer here, but feel it’s good to highlight both sides!

However, let’s move away from the philisophical back into the (deeply) technical now, and explore why exactly the Web Almanac dataset is only seeing low percentages of HTTP/3 being used!

Discovering HTTP/3 support

Measuring HTTP/3 adoption can be challenging because most modern browsers and clients will not try HTTP/3 the first time they load a page from a domain they haven’t seen before. The reasons why are complex and were explained in detail in previous Web Almanacs (2020 and 2021). The short version is that it could take the browser a (very) long time to fall back to HTTP/2 (or HTTP/1.1) if HTTP/3 is not available for the target domain—for example the server doesn’t support it yet, or the network is blocking the protocol.

This is less of a problem for HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1, as they both run over the TCP protocol. If the server doesn’t support HTTP/2, it can just continue with HTTP/1.1 over the existing TCP connection the browser set up, getting an “instant fallback”. HTTP/3 however is different, as it replaces TCP with a new transport protocol called QUIC which in turn runs over the UDP protocol. If the browser only opens a QUIC+HTTP/3 connection to a server that doesn’t support it, that server wouldn’t be able to fall back to HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1, since that’s only possible over TCP, not QUIC/UDP. It would have to wait for the HTTP/3 connection to timeout (which can take several seconds) and only then open a new TCP connection for HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1, which would be very noticeable for the end users.

To prevent users suffering this potential delay, the browser will in practice only try HTTP/3 if it’s 100% sure the server will support it. But how can it be 100% sure? Well, if the server/deployment explicitly tells the browser it supports HTTP/3, of course!

There are two main ways of doing this:

  1. The alt-svc HTTP response header: the HTTP server advertises HTTP/3 support when a resource is requested over HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1
  2. The DNS HTTPS resource record: the DNS server indicates HTTP/3 support during name resolution, before connection establishment

The first option is by far the most popular, but has the downside that it first needs a “bootstrapping” connection over HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 to discover HTTP/3 support. The second option removes this downside by putting the information directly in DNS, which resolves before the first HTTP connection is even made. It is however much newer and thus less supported at the moment of writing.

To get a good idea of real HTTP/3 support in the Web Almanac dataset, we need to consider both separately, as they will give conflicting results.

HTTP/3 via alt-svc

As discussed above, if the browser hasn’t connected to a domain before, it will only try HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 over TCP, as those are most likely to be supported. For each HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 response, the server can then send along a special alt-svc HTTP response header, indicating it is guaranteed to support HTTP/3 as well—at least for a specified timeframe: the ma (max-age) parameter.

alt-svc response header example.
Figure 20.5. alt-svc response header example.

alt-svc Alternative Services: you’re currently using the HTTP/2 service, and there’s also an HTTP/3 service available (usually at UDP port 443). From then on, when the browser needs a new connection to the server, it can try to establish it over HTTP/3 as well!

Using this mechanism means that HTTP/3 is typically only used from the second page load of a site onward, as the first load will happen over H2 or HTTP/1.1, even if the server supports HTTP/3. And that is the crux of the issue, as the Web Almanac only measures the first page load by design.

In order to make results comparable and fair across websites, we want to load each page with a fresh browser profile and nothing in the HTTP/file/DNS/alt-svc/… caches. As such, the alt-svc mechanism is conceptually useless in our methodology, as we’d only use the initial HTTP/2 connection and never get to HTTP/3. This is why measuring HTTP/3 adoption directly by protocol used in our dataset (as we did in the first image above) is misleading, with HTTP/3 getting underreported.

Note: at this point, you might wonder how we’re even seeing HTTP/3 page loads at all since with just alt-svc we should be seeing 0% HTTP/3. This is of course mainly due to the use of the 2nd discovery method via DNS, which we’ll discuss later.

Let’s now look purely at how HTTP/3 support is being announced via alt-svc to get an idea of how much support sites claim to have, even if it doesn’t actually show up in our dataset:

Figure 20.6. HTTP/3 support (via alt-svc) has increased steadily since 2022.

When we last looked at HTTP/3 support in June 2022, the protocol wasn’t even fully standardized yet. Still, due to early deployments from some large players, around 18% of sites in the HTTP Archive dataset indicated they had support for HTTP/3. Now, two years later, we can see that support for the new protocol has steadily risen, up to 26% (desktop) to 28% (mobile), a near 10% overall increase. If that still seems low, it’s actually quite similar to HTTP/2’s evolution, which equally saw around 30% uptake in its second year after standardization (2017).

It is somewhat interesting to see that mobile home pages advertise a little better support for HTTP/3 than their desktop counterparts. This can potentially be explained by the fact that HTTP/3 will mainly deliver benefits over mobile/cellular networks (and so site owners might want to mainly enable it for that) and because some corporate environments still tend to block HTTP/3 on their networks (making it less interesting to enable for desktop clients).

Figure 20.7. HTTP/3 support is driven mainly by CDNs.

Similar to HTTP/2+ above, the support for HTTP/3 comes mainly from the CDNs, but in an quite extreme form in my opinion: around 85% of all HTTP/3 responses seen in our dataset came from a CDN. This compares to around 55% of all HTTP/2+ requests. This indicates that today very few website owners are self-deploying HTTP/3 at their origin and re-emphasizes my point from above that fast adoption of new technologies might (sadly) become a large-company-only thing. This is not entirely unexpected however; a lot of the popular “off the shelf” web servers do not have stable, mature, on-by-default HTTP/3 support yet including projects like NodeJS, Apache and nginx. Running a scalable HTTP/3 deployment that uses some of the protocol’s advanced features—like connection migration and 0-RTT—is far from easy. Still, I hope to see more people self-hosting HTTP/3 in the (near) future.

One important remark to make here is that not all CDNs show equally high HTTP/3 support:

HTTP/3 alt-svc CDN
> 90% Facebook, Automattic, jsDelivr
50% - 90% Cloudflare, Cedexis
10% - 50% Google, Amazon Cloudfront, Fastly, Microsoft Azure, BunnyCDN, Alibaba, CDN 77
1% - 10% Akamai, Sucuri Firewall, Azion, KeyCDN
< 1% Twitter, Vercel, Netlify, OVH CDN, EdgeCast, G-Core CDN, Incapsula
Figure 20.8. Percentage of HTTP/3 alt-svc responses for all requests served by first-party CDNs (with considerable traffic share).

Firstly, we see that some companies go all-in on HTTP/3, with for example Facebook indicating HTTP/3 support on 99.86% of responses! This is in stark contrast to other large companies like Twitter/X, that don’t send alt-svc at all. Secondly, even CDNs that clearly support HTTP/3 rarely reach high percentages, with Cloudflare leading the pack at 78% and Akamai tagging along at just 7%. This most likely has to do with how exactly the CDNs enable the new protocol. For example, Cloudflare has enabled it by default for their free plans, leading to high (though not universal) use. In contrast, Akamai requires its customers to manually enable the feature in their configuration, which many seem slow/unwilling to do. As such, the amount of HTTP/3 support on the Web could be much higher than around 28% if all CDN customers would allow it. Finally, it is somewhat surprising that some more specialized deployments, like Automattic, heavily lean into HTTP/3 (99.92%) while others like Vercel and Netlify show near-zero HTTP/3 support. I can only speculate on the reasons for the latter, but assume it is mostly due to the complexity of setting up and maintaining the new protocol at scale, while these newer up-and-coming companies prefer to focus on other parts of their stacks first.

Note: These results might not give a 100% accurate impression of what CDNs are actually doing, as firstly the CDN detection logic might be inaccurate/incomplete (for example, Shopify is not tracked separately yet), and secondly a lot of the tracked requests are for analytics/trackers, which might not be indicative of HTTP/3 support for normal page/resource loads.

In conclusion, we see that currently around 27% of all websites in the Web Almanac dataset announce HTTP/3 support through alt-svc. This number could potentially be much higher, if all websites that use a compatible CDN would enable it. At the same time however, the actual number of HTTP/3 requests we’ve seen in the dataset is much lower, between 7-9%. As we’ve explained this is due to the used methodology and most of those 7-9% will come from another HTTP/3 discovery method using DNS records, so let’s look at those next.

HTTP/3 via DNS

As we’ve discussed, announcing HTTP/3 support via an alt-svc HTTP response headers has some downsides, leading to the newer protocol only being used from the second connection to a server onwards. To get rid of this inefficiency, the browser would have to discover HTTP/3 support before it even opened the first connection to the server. Luckily, there is still one thing that happens before a connection can be setup and that is DNS resolution.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is often described as a large phone book, which allows you to translate a hostname (for example, into one or more IP addresses (with A and AAAA queries returning IPv4 and IPv6 results respectively). However, in essence, the DNS can also be thought of as just a very large, distributed Key-Value store that can hold other things besides IP addresses (and associated metadata like CNAMEs) as well. Some examples include listing email details with MX records, and using TXT records to prove ownership of a domain (for example for Let’s Encrypt).

The past few years, work has been ongoing to also add other information to the DNS, in particular with the new concept of Service Binding (SVCB) and HTTPS records. These new records provide the client with a lot more information about a service/origin than just its IP addresses: whether it’s HTTPS capable, whether it can use the new Encrypted Client Hello for extra privacy, or for our purposes, which protocols it supports and on which ports. This is intended to make initial connection setup/service discovery a bit more efficient, as currently this is often done through slower methods like a chain of redirects or the above alt-svc, or requires out-of-band methods like HSTS preload. They are also intended to help with complex load balancing setups (for example when combining multiple CDNs).

A full discussion on SVCB would take too much time here however, so we will focus only on how we can announce HTTP/3 support through the new HTTPS record as there are plenty of other blog posts and documents with more details on the wider applications. Let’s look at an example of the HTTPS record in the wild:

DNS HTTPS resource record example.
Figure 20.9. DNS HTTPS resource record example.

As we can see, indicates support for both HTTP/3 and HTTP/2 (in order of preference!) via the alpn="h3,h2" part of the response. ALPN stands for Application Layer Protocol Negotiation which was/is originally a TLS (Transport Layer Security protocol) extension to indicate which application protocols and versions a server supports, to for example allow the graceful fallback from HTTP/2 to HTTP/1.1 discussed above. The general approach (and name) is reused for the DNS HTTPS record as well. Additionally, the example shows the optional ipv4hint and ipv6hint entries, which allow steering of users to specific endpoints for specific services—for example if not every single machine in the deployment actually supports HTTP/3 yet, say in a multi-CDN setup. In conclusion, if a browser queries the DNS for the HTTPS records (which is typically done in parallel or even before A and AAAA queries), and subsequently sees h3 in the ALPN list, it is allowed/encouraged to also try HTTP/3 for its first connection to the server, bypassing the alt-svc overhead.

Let’s now take a look at how much we’ve seen the new DNS records being used in the wild in the Web Almanac dataset. Looking at the general use, we see that around 12% of both mobile and desktop pages have an HTTPS record of some kind defined. Not all of those include the h3 option in their alpn section however: that’s slightly lower at 9% (desktop) and 10% (mobile):

Figure 20.10. HTTP/3 support is regularly being announced through DNS HTTPS records

This means that 9-10% of all considered pages (over 20 million) in our dataset indicate HTTP/3 support through DNS. However, this does not automatically mean that HTTP/3 is also actually used by the browser. As we showed in the first image of this chapter, only about 7% (desktop) to 9% (mobile) of pages were actually loaded over HTTP/3. This is definitely in the same order of magnitude as the DNS HTTPS adoption, but not quite the same. This can have many different reasons, including networks blocking the newer protocol, HTTP/3 somehow losing the “race” to the HTTP/2 connection, the DNS HTTPS record being misconfigured, the DNS response for the record being delayed, the HTTP/2 connection being reused due to connection coalescing, etc. Still, it shows that this newer/alternative method of indicating HTTP/3 support early in the page loading process has strong potential to improve upon the alt-svc approach—and not just for the Web Almanac methodology.

It is also interesting to compare this to similar research done by Jan Schaumann in October 2023, who found that for over 100 million tested domains, only about 4% provided HTTPS records, which increased to a whopping 25%+ for the top 1 million domains on the Tranco list. He concluded that DNS HTTPS record adoption is “effectively driven by Cloudflare setting the records by default on all of their domains”. This would be in-line with our previous findings that it is the big CDNs that drive new feature adoption, so let’s see what our data says:

h3 DNS records CDN
> 60% None (yet!)
50% - 60% Cloudflare
2% - 50% BunnyCDN, Alibaba
< 2% Akamai, Amazon Cloudfront, Microsoft Azure, Fastly, Netlify, Google, Incapsula, Azion, Sucuri Firewall, Vercell
< 0.05% Automattic, OVH
Figure 20.11. Percentage of DNS HTTPS responses with HTTP/3 support for all home pages served by first-party CDNs (with considerable traffic share)

We can indeed see that Cloudflare is clearly the leader of the pack here, setting h3 in the HTTPS DNS record for over 50% of its hosted sites. Most of the other large CDNs do seem to have some support and are testing the feature, but they rarely get above 2%. An interesting outlier here is Automattic, which had near universal HTTP/3 support via alt-svc, but only 0.04% for DNS HTTPS records. Outside this, of the 8.5 million pages not loaded via a CDN, only 0.46% had a DNS HTTPS record configured for HTTP/3 support, again reinforcing our conclusion that (for better or worse) CDNs are the ones driving adoption of cutting edge features at scale.

It will be interesting to track the use of DNS HTTPS and SVCB records in the coming years of the Web Almanac to both see how their adoption evolves, and how that will map to actual HTTP/3 use in the dataset.

Happy eyeballs, connection coalescing and agressive switching

TODO: don’t know if we want to go too deep into the details without actual results here. If Barry can get some results for how often chrome actually switches from H2 to HTTP/3 DURING a page load, we might want to keep this section in. Otherwise, it might bog the text down too much imo.

In practice, the browser won’t open just the HTTP/3 connection. After all, even if the server supports it, the network might still block the newer protocol and we’d still get a slow fallback. To get around this, the browser actually opens both an HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connection in parallel, racing them against each other. Whichever connection is established first—with a small head start of about 200ms for HTTP/3—will get used and the other abandoned. This process, amusingly called happy eyeballs (for real!), makes sure we get the fastest possible performance, and also that we automatically fall back to HTTP/2 if the network blocks HTTP/3.

TODO: Discuss connection coalescing also being a factor in seeing less HTTP/3 than otherwise possible (existing H2 connections are reused).

TODO: Discuss browsers switching protocols DURING a page load and how that can skew performance measurements (you get hybrid H2/HTTP/3 loads), both synthetic and RUM.


TODO: depends on if we add the previous section or not

Generally: we see HTTP/3 adoption evolve steadily over time, at a similar pace to HTTP/2. Like H2 though, probably will be a long time before it has huge adoption across the board for reasons XYZ. CDNs are both good and not-so-good (probably). New things are complex to deploy yourself; we need more documentation (like this post).

Difficult to measure perf benefits of HTTP/3 vs H2 in this dataset due to the methodology, and you should take care to do it correctly yourself as well!


  • rmarx


author = "rmarx, rmarx and Pollard, Barry and Böttger, Chris",
title = "HTTP",
booktitle = "The 2024 Web Almanac",
chapter = 20,
publisher = "HTTP Archive",
year = "2024",
language = "English",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.14065825",
url = ""